Гады проиграли. Опять. Злорадное ура.
Прочитала тот фик про гермафродитов. Он оказался на удивление хорошо написанным и в целом - весьма, весьма... хотя конец мне не понравился. Как-то зажеванно... и не в тему... Но сцена Гарри/Люциус просто великолепна.
As Sharp As Sunlight
SUMMARY: A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Can anything be salvaged?
NOTES: Part of the "Beloved Enemies" Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q Fest. Scenarios Number # 141.Voldi has won the war. Harry, Sirius, Remus (any other good guys you want) got captured. Instead of killing them Voldi turns them into hermaphrodites, binds their power (slave bracelets anyone?)and gives them to his loyal followers (Lucius, Severus) as sex slaves, concubines, what ever, to give birth to more wizards. (Edges)
WARNING: MPREG, non-con and character death.
PAIRINGS: Sirius/Remus, Sirius/Snape, Lucius/Harry, Draco/Hermione
Current music: Avrel Lavigne - AudioTrack 10